The problem with most people is that we get our bodies slowly adapt to the toxin we have been accumulating all these years and by the time people call me up and complain they feel sick and old, muscles and joints are tight, knees hurt, back hurts.  We have dealt with these toxins for many years and most are stored in the fat. Usually its the thin people that call me up and have all the health problems because their body is not storing most of the toxins in the fat but more in the organs. The best time to start detoxing and reducing all these acidic wastes that acidify the body is before all the pain starts.

​Until most people get sick, they don't even notice along the way. The body is equipped with detox mechanisms though the skin and lymphatic system and digestive system. Most people who are using saunas don't even take a probiotic. The probiotic, if its aggressive enough, can line the colon and help with the digestion of all these wastes. If the body is not doing any lymphatic exercise or dry skin brushing in the sauna, many people get only a fraction of the benefits the sauna can give. Depending on the person, there are many combinations methods to detox the body.

​As the body gets more toxic, the body has a harder time adapting to the toxins. There is no warning system either if the body adapts to the toxins. A cockroach learns to adapt to the toxins and can survive even the harshest of toxins. Most people that call me don't follow the signals their body is giving them. When full, most people keep eating. My body tells me when to stop eating. I don't crave sugars and carbs. My body has about 2 to 3 pounds of living gut flora that I have built over the last 5 years taking probiotics.

When the body is overloaded, the body cannot adapt to the toxins like someone that has detoxed can. The sauna can help if the body is overloaded when the body can't do it by itself. Nature is made for nature. When the body has done things that is not natural and the body can't adapt or even sweat out the toxins because the lymphatic system is so clogged up, different protocols need to be taken. 

The sauna can wring out nearly all the toxins if given enough time. I also avoid the sauna that have high EMF. I know some people won't be able to afford the low emf saunas but wearing a pendant to help transmute the emf is the 2nd best.

​It is hard to evolve if we can't rid our toxin. This is not adapting. Although the fat stores the toxins.

The heat of the sauna goes about 2 inches deep and the infrared rays can go about 6 inches into the body. The invisible infrared rays help shake the toxins loose as it vibrate the water in the cells. The toxins should come out of the fat. This is helped much better by a non sluggish lymphatic system.
The toxins and heavy metals can come out through the lungs, excrement, and the pores. The sweat through the pores should be the most efficient as the skin is the largest organ in the body. The infrared rays vibrate the toxins that would normally sit and leach back into the body through the blood stream which is what sweating them out helps avoid.

I do not like drinking cold water in the sauna as the body has to bring it to body temperature. The body cannot process cold water as much as room temperature water. It can take much longer to hydrate my body if I drink cold water in the session. I get a much better sweat when I don't drink cold water. Many people that have called me tell me they take a jug of ice water in their. If the body doesn't have adequate amounts of water, once the toxins are shaken out, it can just go to another layer of fat. What can happen is that the heavy metals and toxins don't get released and just keep leaching back to the bloodstream.

We are not as evolved as the cockroach. The sauna can give the body the ability to detox while the human body is not evolved to do it alone.

If there are any holistic health professionals that want to add to this article or who have feedback on different protocols that you use to help your patients, please make contact. I will offer my friends and family discount on saunas I am allowed to discount. Make contact with me here.

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...because I was never told the correct way to sweat

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Heavenly Heat - HIGH TECH - Therasauna - SAUNACORE - HealthMate - Finnleo Saunas - Better Life - Vital Saunas - BIOMATS
...because I was never told the correct way to sweat

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Below are my 3 top selling saunas sold for Detox and Full Spectrum emissions:
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Our Strongest FIR emmissive sauna

Therasage Tent - The most intense tent sauna - highest FIR emmissive carbon heaters we tested.
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